Can you look at yourself with kindness even when things go wrong,

determine the reasons for your SUCCESS (and not of your failure) with precision?

and find the courage to be unapologetically you?

Check in with yourself and see where the 3 words of this midweek checkin are taking us:  

 Like I do every week, I’ve pulled 3 cards – 3 words for our midweek checkin. As an impuls, inspiration and soul guidance for the week.

Every Wednesday live on Facebook and later on Youtube, to get to link the midweek checkin here too for you.

I’d love if you’d leave me a comment on anything that comes up for you, any additional thought that continues our conversation.

If you just want to skim through the words of the week, here they are. Which one should be your guide this week, #1, #2 or #3?

#1: kindness
#2: precision

#3: courage

Check out the video to see how they all fit together.

Thank you for giving me your attention and time and for letting me speak to you.

Have fun and remember, 

it’s your life, it’s your design.


P.S. You can also join me on Facebook where I share content in English as well as in German:

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