about me
I’m compassionate, curious, and creative,
a down-to-earth, high-flying, heart-&-soul woman, mother, human, spiritual being with flesh and bones, a visionary and ordinary personal growth seeker and coach, emotional believer, and practical skeptic. I’m a beginner and expert, artist and manager, teacher and student balancing freedom and commitment.
On my journey, I’ve paid my dues, taken my share of formal education, completed studies and training, gained several degrees, took expected and unexpected career paths and personal life experiences in different political systems and countries. I’ve lived in a country that doesn’t exist anymore and draw from this as much as from living abroad in the Netherlands, the US, and Ecuador. I’ve worked for huge and small companies, owned my concept store and café, and became a coach and designer on my terms.
I survived heart surgery, puberty, divorce, embarrassments, rejections, and goodbyes. I quit jobs, relationships, and unhealthy habits once I chose for my health on all levels.
I’ve created my traps, have grown above them, have broken my inner chains over and over again for new insights on each level, generating a miles-long track record of new beginnings, small and huge failures as well as wonderful successes in my businesses and my private life.
I strive to feel deep joy and gratitude every day,
I thrive in stillness and burst with excitement to help people spread their wings too.
I am inspired to my bones by what can be done when you follow your heart.
Because when it comes down to it all, it’s about being alive. It’s about being a deliberate designer of your life. It’s about fulfilling your dreams and making miracles happen. Even the impossible ones.
That’s what I teach.
With curiosity, creativity, and compassion.
If you’d like to know more about my professional background with degrees, education, and training – here is a selection:
2023: PSI self-management consultant (certification/license for diagnostic module SSI/HAKEMP, test modules TOP/EOS 60° “self-management”)
2019- 2022: EmTrace® Mastercoach (Emotion Coaching Level 1-4 training).
2020: Mimikresonanz® – Online-Training Basic 1 (Mikoexpressions) (advanced training)
2020: Introducing TDF – Understanding Yourself; Understanding Others (advanced training)
2007-2021 SELF-Development – Movement Experience and Self-Awareness – a Key to Neural-Mental Re-Orientation (continuing education with advanced courses)
2013: The Hero’s Journey – an innovative approach to personality development (continuing education)
2012: ArtClay® Certification Moulds, Settings, Colour Blending Enamels with Keum Boo (continuing education)
2011: ArtClay® Certification Level I, Level II + Gold (training)
2008: Facilitation of workshops + meetings (advanced training)
2008: U.S. Business Culture (Diversity Works & Educational Programs)
2007: Self Development: Integration of Feldenkrais Method & Ericksonian Hypnotherapy (Basic Training).
2005: Self-Development. Applied neuro-mental re-orientation in movement and perception (advanced training)
2004: Teaching divergent thinking, stimulating the generation of ideas (advanced training)
2001: Master’s degree in American studies, Romance studies, and psychology (study)
2001: 1st state examination for teaching English and Spanish at secondary schools (studies)
1990: Completion of ecclesiastical administration training of the Ev.-Luth Landeskirche Sachsen (Saxony)
” Figure out who you are and then do it on purpose.”
Dolly Parton
It’s not about the grandness of your vision or the spectacular quality of your dream.
It’s about your heart, your soul, and your spirit that calls for it.
If you feel there is more to life, more to give, and more to live then you’re right.
Life is so much more than fulfilling your duties and checking off boxes.
If you want to find out what it could mean for you and where to start I’m here to help.
With fire & silver, words & visions, emotions & insights.